大家都知道,印度驻华大使馆对印度各项资料的要求一直在频繁更新,现向各位需要办理 印度签证的申请人公布印度大使馆关于印度签证邀请信的最新要求
I. The letter should be printed on proper paper with company letterhead.
II. Only Fax from India or original is acceptable.
III. Content of the letter must include below details: 邀请函的内容应涵盖以下事项:
i. The date of the letter issued 邀请函签发日期
ii. Attention to whom: The name and address of the person/institution being invited 被邀请人的姓
iii. Body of the letter 正文内容:
Applicant’s passport data, such as full name of the applicant, passport number, etc. 签证申
Applicant’s occupation and name of the company located in China. 签证申请人的职位、所在
Specific purpose of the trip. 具体的出行目的。
Name of the Indian company and its location where the person is going to visit. 印度邀请方
How long will the person stay in India and when will s/he come back to China. 申请人在印度
iv. The closing 落款:
Clear signature of the principal (the person who execute the invitation must sign on the letter)
Name of the principal 印方负责人的全名(打印)
Title / Occupation of the principal 印方负责人的职位(打印)
Company name 印方公司名
Seal of the company 盖印方公司公章
Company address and telephone, fax and email of the Company (mandatory), in case the
same are not mentioned on letterhead 公司地址、 、传真和电邮 、、、 (必须包含此信息),
以上是 印度商务签证关于邀请信的具体要求,希望申请人能严格按照以上标准准备,以免因资料不符合使馆要求而导致使馆和签证中心不受理的情况出现。